My story is of Matthew Ward’s music. I have been very blessed by his music over the years. I don’t have one specific memory in mind that hits me. I just know that throughout my life through many difficult times, his music has really helped me through in combination with really seeking God. His albums Armed and Dangerous and Fortress were the two albums that really helped me through many times. I have been listening to Armed and Dangerous recently after not listening to it for a long while and it still ministers to me.The song Put on the Armor is one of my favorites from Armed and Dangerous as well as Love, but I really love the whole album. Love really has helped me focus on just like our parents’ love for us can carry us and help lead us to salvation, we need to do the same thing for our children. I have been blessed to be saved at a young age as well as seeing my child be saved at a young age.I remember seeing my mother pray and she was concerned for my salvation. I was saved in Sunday school and then my wife and I have prayed with our little girl since even before she was old enough to really understand and my wife was able through God’s working to lead my little girl to salvation so the song Love is powerful just from my memories of my mother praying and then also praying for my little girl as well. I just went to say God bless you Matthew and continue doing what you are doing. You are making and have made a difference through letting God use you and I thank God for you. I am a music teacher because of the powerful hold and difference that music has made in my life. I believe the only thing that is more powerful than music to touch lives is God’s word so when you combine both of those things, there is nothing greater. Again, God bless you and I praise God that you were healed from cancer as well. I was able to see you and Second Chapter of Acts if I remember correctly at Fishnet in 1986 and I remember being very touched by the music from Second Chapter of Acts and you but I think I could relate more to your music at that time. That was around the time of Armed and Dangerous. I have gone back and listened to Second Chapter of Acts in the last week and really like a lot that music as well. Anyway, thanks again for your ministry and I hope to be able to see you in concert again.